Wednesday, January 23, 2013

10 Terrifying Killer Fish

Ever since the movie Jaws, sharks have been well-rooted in the public consciousness – with images of mangled swimmers abounding in our thoughts. But sharks aside, there are also several kinds of horrific killer fish that prowl the Earth’s freshwater and estuarine habitats. The accounts that follow will inject your pre-existing shark phobia with a healthy dose of general terror – for it will be seen that more than merely sharks lurk deep within in the oceans and lakes, in which we blindly splash about.

10. Goliath Tiger fish

The Goliath Tigerfish is a creature so horrific that it makes the feared Piranha look like a pet goldfish. Reaching lengths of more than six feet, and weighing up to 70 pounds, these mega-fish stalk the waterways of central Africa in packs – shredding even large prey in a matter of seconds. The mouth of this yellow-eyed monster fish is studded with giant, dagger-like canine teeth – each more than two inches long.

A number of deaths went unexplained in the Congo River, and were attributed to a mysterious spirit foe with dark powers – that is, until extreme angler Jeremy Wade pulled one of these horrific creatures from the depths of the river. 09 more after the break...

09. Piraiba Catfish

You are paddling merrily along on your first Amazonian fishing holiday, when you feel a tug on your line. The tug gets harder, and you excitedly begin to hope for a 2-foot cichlid. But as the line nears breaking point, a 9-foot-long, blue-black form breaks the surface. A combination of fear and pride turns to horror as you spot human feet extending from the creature’s mouth, which then growls loudly, like some kind of aquatic jaguar. You have just caught a Piraiba – South America’s largest catfish, and a potential man-eater. The fine teeth of this aggressive hunter curve backwards across a cavernous mouth, preventing prey – including humans – from escaping its grip.

08. Goonch Fish

The Kali River – which runs between India and Nepal – had been haunted by mysterious disappearances and unexplained drownings. The cause of the deaths was subject to the wildest speculation, until a horrific looking brown creature over 7 feet long, with razor sharp teeth, was captured. The Goonch is a bizarre, 300 pound member of the catfish family, and has acquired a strong taste for human flesh.

Victims are seized and dragged to their deaths by the prehistoric predator, before being consumed. One 17-year-old boy was captured in front of his girlfriend; a body was never found. It is believed that the fish acquired their taste for human flesh due to the funeral practice of burning corpses and tossing them into the river.

07. Great Barracuda

The Great Barracuda is a living torpedo, studded with wicked-looking 3-inch teeth. These fish may reach up to 6 feet in length, and weigh over 100 pounds. Great Barracudas are attracted to shiny metal objects, and will attack vulnerable creatures or sources of agitation.

To avoid barracuda attacks, you need to stay away from areas with low visibility, as well as mangrove and estuarine regions; you should also refrain from spearfishing. A barracuda attack could sever tendons, rip off large amounts of flesh, and kill you in a matter of seconds. Deaths have been confirmed in the Eastern United States.

06. Wels Catfish

European waters may seem relatively safe – but a demonic looking killer fish, of unearthly proportions, may cause you to rethink your planned swims in Berlin Lake, Spain’s Reservoirs, or Russia’s Volga River. The Wels Catfish is a huge, slithering creature reaching over 13 feet in length and weighing over 400 pounds. The fish are aggressive predators, and capture victims with their massive rows of razor-sharp teeth.

The potential size of these creatures is not confirmed, and historical accounts suggest lengths of up to 20 feet and weights of over 3 tons. Recently, a German swimmer was badly bitten, while a catfish found in Russia had an entire human body in its stomach contents.

05. Giant Freshwater Stingray

A venomous monster lurks in the murky waters of Southeast Asia. The famous Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin died after being stabbed in the chest by a small ocean stingray – but that creature could not hold a spine to the Giant Freshwater Stingray. This saucer-shaped monster may be the world’s largest freshwater fish, at over 16 feet in length, and with a weight of up to 2,000 pounds. The 8-inch stinger can be whipped back like that of a scorpion to target an unsuspecting wader, while the sheer mass of the creature also has the potential to muscle a person under water. So if the “riverbed” you are standing on starts to move… keep very still.

04. Muskellunge

The Muskellunge has not yet led to any confirmed fatalities, but there are certainly ominous signs that they would be capable of such. The fish has long been feared, and grows to lengths of over 7 feet. This freshwater version of a Barracuda stalks the lakes of the Northern Hemisphere, and has a mouth full of daggers that can easily shred waterfowl, muskrats and perch. Muskellunge bites leave serious wounds, and an 80 pound fish would be capable of dragging down a victim. One 13-year-old girl was bitten and dragged underwater before escaping, and a capsized fisherman was badly chewed while treading water. The fish lurks in the weedy edges of lakes, lunging forward to capture prey.

03. Electric-Eel

The Electric Eel is an apex predator from the Amazon that hunts and defends itself by releasing enough electricity to stun a horse. The 600 volts released by this giant relative of catfish is capable of killing a human directly through electrocution. In other cases, a lesser shock may still knock the victim unconscious, resulting in drowning. Electric eels may grow to over 8 feet, and weigh up to 50 pounds. Electric eels can only be handled safely with rubber gloves. Crossing a river is highly dangerous, as the water conducts the electricity very effectively, making it comparable to swimming in a bathtub with a plugged in hairdryer. Deaths have been confirmed.

02. Alligator Gar

A prehistoric monster stalks the waters of the southeastern United States. Reaching lengths of over 10 feet, with a weight of over 400 pounds, the Alligator Gar is an ancient fish that looks more like a crocodile with its huge scales and enormous, fang studded mouth. In one case, a man was dangling his feet over a dock when a huge Alligator Gar latched on and attempted to pull him under. He escaped with his life – but others may not have been so lucky. Alligator Gary fatalities have not been confirmed, but the fish could be responsible for several mysterious drownings.

01. Bull Shark
This last fish is, technically, still a shark. However, it is so far from a typical shark that it poses threats beyond the worst nightmares, and deserves the number one spot on this list.

The Bull Shark is a 7-12 foot fish weighing over 600 pounds – but with a difference. It thrives in fresh water, and can travel thousands of miles up rivers and into lakes, even as far inland as Missouri, Illinois or Kentucky! Bull Sharks have caused many deaths in murky freshwater environments, the notorious case being the New Jersey river attacks. Bull Sharks are the most aggressive shark species, possessing the highest testosterone level of any animal. Bull Sharks also have the strongest bite force of any living fish species.

After death 10 functions of the body that continues

The body going back in a matter of minutes, hours, days or even weeks after his death. Yes, the article is not intended for people with weak stomachs.

01. The growth of hair and nails

The growth of hair and nails is more of a technical function. The body no longer produces fabrics for the growth of hair and nails, but they both continue to “grow” and after his death. In fact, the skin loses moisture, and just recedes, exposing the hair and nails seem more compelling long. Since we measure the length of the hair and nails from their ends, to the point where the skin starts, then when the skin is receding, they begin to seem longer. 09 more after the break...

02. Brain activity (using medications)

One side effect of modern technology is the erosion of time between life and death. The brain can almost completely die, but the heart can continue to pump blood. Or if your heart stops, the lungs stop breathing, and people have already died, most doctors will announce the fact of death, only a few minutes later, when the brain dies. These minutes after cardiac arrest brain uses for so desperately trying to find the oxygen and nutrients necessary for the life of the brain. Until such time as they lead to a lack of irreversible changes in the brain, which does not help, even restarting the heart. It is a state of irreversible damage to the use of certain drugs in certain circumstances can be extended even for a few days. In theory, this could give doctors a chance you get, but no guarantees.

03. The growth of skin cells

This is another function, where different parts of the body die at different rates. Although the cessation of blood flow can kill brain for a few minutes, other cells not in need of constant care. Skin cells, which are used to living on the edge of the body, get everything you need through osmosis, and may remain alive for several days. Well, they have no brain, or they, the poor and doomed, it would be very sorry.

04. Urination

Urination seems to us, – an arbitrary function. And we are mostly right, except when well, very funny. Refraining from urinating, however – an involuntary function. We never even have to think, because it is always responsible for a certain area of the brain. This is the site which is occupied by the regulation of respiration and heart of man, which is one of the reasons why people are prone to involuntary urination while intoxicated. Inhibited the part that supports the bladder sphincter closed. (More alcohol will stop work center that regulates breathing and heartbeat, which is one of the arguments about the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption). Although rigor mortis causes the muscles stiffen, it comes only a few hours after death. Immediately after death the muscles relax, causing the post-mortem urine.

05. Defecation

We all know that in times of emotional stress the body gets rid of wastes, often in front of others or of the cameras. The body relaxes certain muscles, and the situation is … growing. In the case of a dead body, go the whole affair promotes gas produced inside the body. This can happen after a few hours after death. Hours. Taking into account that the fetus can also empty the gut in the womb (it’s true!), It can be both the first and the last thing that we do in life. Makes you look at things broadly, is not it?

06. Digestion

It turns out that when you die, except that you select the material you are actively doing something else. Or at least something that does something else. We forget that we divide our bodies with lots of other creatures, many of which are useful. The bacteria inside your gut does not die just because you died. While many of them belong to parasites, some of them are great aides digestion and do the work for us. They continue to blow, even when we have nowhere to deader. Others eat the contents of our intestines, releasing more gas advancing the case that inspired all of us disgusted in the sixth paragraph.

07. Erection and ejaculation

When the heart ceases to drive the body to the blood, it is accumulated in all areas of the body that are at the bottom. Sometimes people die standing up, and sometimes – lying face down. Probably anyone here have enough capacity to orient in space, to understand what kind of accumulation of blood that would condone. Meanwhile, the relaxation of muscles after death, which was mentioned, does not last forever. Certain types of muscle cells are activated by calcium ions. Once activated, the cells consume energy, deriving from a calcium ions. After the death of the membrane becomes more permeable to calcium, and the cells do not spend on the ejection of ions out so much energy, so the muscles contract. This leads to rigor mortis, and can cause ejaculation. So really it is. Now, let’s no longer going to come back to this.

08. The movement of the muscles

Even if the brain has died, the remaining parts of the nervous system can remain active. The nurses reported their observations of reflexes, implying the transfer of nerve signals in the spinal cord, not brain, which leads to a post-mortem muscle cramps and spasms. Some even say that they saw the death of the surface motion of the chest.

09. Vocalization

Our bodies are in essence – the bags of gas and liquid, supported by the bones (which are also filled with liquid). Decay occurs when the bacteria are taken to work, and the share of gas increases. Because we carry most of the bacteria in our body, the amount of gas inside increases. We have presented a variety of ways in which it emerges. One is a path through the trachea. As rigor mortis extends to the muscles that are responsible for the operation of the vocal cords, all taken together leads to a rather eerie sounds emanating from non-living bodies. People hear wafting from the dead moaning, sighs and squeaks, but I do not understand why they remain in place to confirm that published their body is actually dead, instead of what would have wet his pants and flee for their lives.

10. Childbearing

Subhanallah. The worst scene from “Twilight” and next to it was not. At a time when people are dead like flies, a number of women dying during pregnancy, and sometimes – when it was too cold to bring them to the ground. This has created a charming notion: “to give birth in a coffin.” Accumulate within the body of the gases in conjunction with the softening of the tissue was drawn, as mentioned, the expulsion of the fetus (non-viable, approx. from the body. Such cases were rare, and overgrown with a lot of speculation, but documented in the days when there was no corresponding embalming and rapid burial. Sounds like something from a book by Edgar Allan Poe, but this really took place. And this is another argument in favor of all of us rejoice that we live in today’s world.

Inca Girl — Frozen For 500 Years

Inca Girl — Frozen For 500 Years, Now On Display SALTA, Argentina — The maiden, the boy, the girl of lightning: they were three Inca children, entombed on a bleak and frigid mountaintop 500 years ago as a religious sacrifice…Unearthed in 1999 from the 22,000-foot summit of Mount Llullaillaco, a volcano 300 miles west of here near the Chilean border, their frozen bodies were among the best preserved mummies ever found, with internal organs intact, blood still present in the heart and lungs, and skin and facial features mostly unscathed. No special effort had been made to preserve them. The cold and the dry, thin air did all the work. They froze to death as they slept, and 500 years later still looked like sleeping children, not mummies.
15-year-old-girl-Incan-Empire-frozen-for-500-sacrifice Scientists examine a 15-year-old girl who lived in the Inca Empire, then was sacrificed and remained frozen for 500 years. 08 more images after the break...
Mummy-and-Man-extracting-hair A scientist carefully extracts a hair from the sacrificial victim known as the “Llullaillaco Maiden,” in a labroom that is kept at a constant freezing temperature
Inside-Crystal The Llullaillaco Maiden’s new acrylic burial chamber is maintained at 0 degrees Farenheit
Children on top of Mt. Llullaillco, in northern Argentina, at 22,000 feet
Mummy of La Doncella on a mountain Frozen mummy of La Doncella on a mountain in Argentina in 1999.
Frozen in sleep at a museum in Argentina. Argentina’s Llullaillaco volcano, where the frozen bodies of three mummified Inca children were found in 1999, towers to some 22,100 feet (6,700 meters
Burial-Artifacts Some of the Inca burial objects found alongside the sacrificed Llullaillaco children
Argentina's-Llullaillaco-volcano, The excavation of the mummies at the mountain’s peak was the world’s highest archaeological dig, according to anthropologist Johan Reinhard.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Discovery of Giant Skeleton

According to the archaeological researches in Greece (and Saudi Arabia) it was proven that what we knew as mythical creatures - Giants, actually walked the Earth some time in the distant past. The archaeologists excavated human skeletons that are about 5m high, some more some less, but it is way above our height today. Of course, thanks to this, lots of questions about their existence emerged, like how it was possible to bi so tall… And if the stories about the Giants and the Titans are not just myhts, what if the other ‘mythical’ creatures were alive to? What would it say about our past? Then, there certainly must be something (or lots of things) we don’t know about our past and our origins. Well, maybe one day we found centaur, minotaur, maybe even the pegasus and unicorn, dragon bones… One can never know.